K. Bhatia Construction Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai

About K. Bhatia Construction Pvt. Ltd.
K BHATIA CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED is a private company registered on 22/01/2004. The company has an authorized capital of Rs 2,00,000 and paid-up capital of Rs 1,03,500. Its registered office is situated at A-1 May Queen Apartments33rd Road Bandra (w), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400050. The status of company in the records of Registrar is converted to llp and dissolved which means that it has converted itself into LLP. Company has currently 2 director and falls under the jurisdiction of Registrar of Company-Mumbai.Our Vision "To become a leader in providing independent, reliable and comprehensive information,transforming the already available in public domain across the globe,into quick and easy to understand formats which impacts both society and other stakeholders by ensuring transparency,and aiding informed decision making."